The Sims 4: Crazy, stupid, challenge!
We hope you enjoyed the challenges we collected for you in this and this articles. Of course, we think they're interesting, well-thought-out, and can captivate any simmer, but sometimes players are in a different mood. A mood to create a bit of chaos...
The "Too Many Toddlers" scenario with a twist
Many of you are probably familiar with the in-game scenario where you need to manage a bunch of toddlers. According to the developers' plan, your three toddlers must reach level 3 in four skills and gain the "Happy Toddler" trait. It already sounds challenging since children require a lot of attention.
But is there a chance for a single parent who also struggles with addiction to manage this task? You can find out by installing specific mods and starting the scenario. Such gameplay truly feels like a challenge: a burning house where you're a drunk firefighter.

Celebrity gold digger challenge by englishsimmer
How much easier it would be to become rich and famous, not by working hard, but simply by marrying a celebrity... Thanks to this challenge, you can find out what that path would look like in The Sims.
An egocentric, materialistic, and yet very romantic sim starts their journey with no money and no useful celebrity connections. The challenge will only be considered complete after 10 marriages to celebrities, their deaths, obtaining their inheritance, and, of course, achieving 5 stars of fame. How each "lucky one" meets their end is entirely up to you.

Fatal flaws legacy challenge by siyasims
A challenge for those who are tired of always playing with "good," convenient sims. The creator decided to come up with this challenge because much preferred playing with problematic characters. It seems to have turned out to be very engaging.
The founder of the dynasty must grow up in a dysfunctional family, which they want to leave as soon as possible, gaining a lot of social problems, resentment, and fear. You will have to help them escape poverty, while also taking care of a dog, learning to communicate with people, which, of course, will not go smoothly. In the end, your sim should build a truly loving family.
In the second generation, your challenge will be a slob sim who is hopelessly in love with their neat-freak neighbor. You will also have to reform (or not?) sims who are hot-headed, squeamish, materialistic, lazy, mean, and those who hate children… In general, it's a very effective and easy way to bring something new into your game.

Secret cult
Thanks to Whiny Brit for the idea
Your Sim is an unlucky 40+ year old, living with their parents whom they hate, working in a horrible, low-paying job. Somehow, they never managed to realize their potential (if there ever was any), and they have no prospects for the future. They don't want to work harder or bother looking for a new job. All your sim wants is to relax, receive money, and spend it on entertainment. And, of course, they want to find love. However, they believe that true love requires having their own house and lots of simoleons in the bank.
The moment arrives when your character decides that the best way to solve their problems is to start a cult. Everyone will love them, fulfill their wishes, and, of course, bring money to buy a house.
Check if your sim has enough brains and charisma to create a full-fledged cult. You need to install the Cult mod by PimpMySims4 and try to attract as many followers as possible, ready to give you offerings. The funniest part is that you can recall real conspiracy theories and adapt these ideas to your game's storyline. You can share detailed accounts of your challenge progress and the chosen conspiracy theory in the “Diaries” section of your family tree.
The task is considered complete when your sim can buy a decent house, move out from their parents, and be able to support a family.
Of course, you can come up with additional goals and decide how much money in the bank will be enough :)

Every lot challenge enabled
A very popular theme for Sims YouTubers is to enable all lot challenges and try to help a Sim survive. If only it were that simple...
As a fun example, you can watch this video.
We think it will be a great way to perk up and experience a wide range of emotions in the game once again. You can see what it looks like to die from mold or a venomous bug bite! This challenge will definitely keep you on your toes.
You can set any goal you like. For example, raising two children until they enroll in university. Or saving up a certain amount to move to a normal lot. You'll need your imagination and strong nerves.