Graphics settings in The Sims 4

from: TheSimsTree

Not all players are satisfied with the graphics of The Sims 4. Problems with shadows, lighting... This article will explain how to improve the visuals and get more enjoyment from the game. 

1. Clear avatar in the main menu 

Usually it's blurry, which is extremely annoying. To solve this problem, locate the ThumbnailConfig file at the following path: 

C: – (your platform where you purchased the game) – The Sims 4 – Game – Bin – res 

Please note that this is not the familiar folder in Documents. 

Using the search function (CTRL + F), locate the parameter "simbust" and change the values: 

Size_Small = 256,256 

Don't forget to save! 

2. Configurations 

Now let's move on to the most interesting part: additional configurations that will make our game much more beautiful. These are settings for advanced graphics, and they are not suitable for computers with low power. 

Create a folder (if it doesn't exist) at the following path: Documents – Electronic Arts – The Sims 4, and name it ConfigOverride. 


If your computer's power is high or above average, you can download the configuration file from the author's Patreon Simp4Sims

To view the video from the author and get details about the configurations, visit this link

I download the Alt Clipping version, as I use this configuration along with SHADOWS FOR DAYS. However, you can download whichever version you prefer. If you don't want to change shadow settings, the first version will suffice. But there's also a small instruction on shadow settings in it, which you can ignore. 

Unpack the archive and place the configuration file in the ConfigOverride folder. 

If you have applied these settings and your favorite shadows and blurring from Gshade or Reshade are gone, you need to disable smoothing in the standard game settings.



This will add semi-day shadows that will look correct. Download and unpack the archive from amoebae's Patreon. 

If you haven't installed complex configurations from Simp4Sims due to a weak computer, the configurations from this author will be suitable for you. 

There is also a file with camera settings. You can replace it by placing it in the following folder: 

C: – (your platform where you purchase the game) – The Sims 4 – Game – Bin – res 

BUT I manually change the following values in the "VideoCamera" file: 


4. Cinematic Live Mode Camera 


This is a mod that adds a cinematic effect to our picture: it blurs the background and slightly the foreground. We download it into the MODS folder. Personally, I have enough with complex configurations and Gshade, but it might be useful for MAC users. 

Download it from simmattically

These few options can help you improve the graphics of the game. Additionally I want to share some useful tips below. 

Camera Modifications 

Combine the convenient movement feature from the 4th camera and the Sims 3 camera. 

Find the Camera file at: 

C: – (your platform where you purchase the game) – The Sims 4 – Game – Bin – res 

And change the settings: 


ClickDragEnabled = true 

Don't forget to save! 

Cinematic Camera Settings (speed keys for beautiful cut-scenes) 

Find the VideoCamera file at: 

C: – (your platform where you purchase the game) – The Sims 4 – Game – Bin – res 

And change the values: 

[Default interpolator parameters] 

DefaultInterpolatorType = Linear 

DefaultInterpolatorTime = 20.0 

[Camera 5 interpolator parameters] 

InterpolatorType = Linear 

InterpolatorTime = 15.0 

[Camera 6 interpolator parameters] 

InterpolatorType = Linear 

InterpolatorTime = 8.0 

[Camera 7 interpolator parameters] 

InterpolatorType = EasyIn 

InterpolatorTime = 16.0 

[Camera 8 interpolator parameters] 

InterpolatorType = EasyIn 

InterpolatorTime = 8.0 

[Camera 9 interpolator parameters] 

InterpolatorType = EasyOut 

InterpolatorTime = 12.0 

The higher the number, the longer the camera pan. 

EasyIn – slow start 

EasyOut – slow-down at the end 

Removing Plumbobs 

Find the Default file at: 

C: – (your platform where you purchase the game) – The Sims 4 – Game – Bin  

And change the values: 


playeractivecolor = 0.43, 0.78, 0.12, 0.00 # green 

motivestatered = 1.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 # red 

motivestateorange = 1.00, 0.50, 0.00, 0.00 # orange 

motivestateyellow = 1.00, 1.00, 0.00, 0.00 # yellow 

socialgroup = 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.10 # white translucent 

club = 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.10 # white 

npcclub = 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.10 # white translucent 

ensemble = 1.00, 1.00, 1.00, 0.10 # white 

ATTENTION!!! After updates you need to restore the settings! 






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