Fix the clothing bug in the shower and pool in The Sims 4
Do your Sims go to the shower, pool and bath fully clothed? There can be many reasons for this issue: CC clothing/accessories and default underwear. In this article, we will discuss how to solve it.

Solution №1: The simplest option
Open the console (Ctrl+Shift+C), enter the code reset_bathing_outfit current. This will fix the issue for the currently active sim. Instead of "current," you can use "all" to apply the fix to all sims if needed.
Solution №2: Fixing custom content using Sims 4 Studio. After this manipulation CC content will no longer cause clothing issues for sims.
You will need the Sims 4 Studio application. Download the installer from the official website and follow the installer's instructions.
Important note: If you are using default content such as skin tones, eyes, etc., DO NOT USE the "Disallow CC for random" or "Disallow CC for Default garment" fixes. Find all the default additional content you are using and temporarily move it out of the Mods folder before running the fix. You can only move it back after the program finishes fixing the content.
Step №1: To perform fixes and corrections on custom content, we will need one single tab, which is the Content Management.
Content Management → Batch Fixes → CAS / Objects / Misc → Choose the necessary fix from the list. The list for each item is provided below.

What to choose from the list? To solve the current problem, you need to select "Disallow CC in the shower", and you can also fix other issues from the list.
Step №2: Next, a window with the name of the selected fix pops up before us:

Mods folder – this is the path to your Mods folder.
Backup Folder – this is the folder where backups (or, in other words, backup copies of fixed files) will be saved.
By default, the path is set to My Documents/Sims 4 Studio/Batch fixes. If desired, for example, if you do not want to store backups on disk C, you can change it to any other folder (for example, create a separate folder on the desktop or on another disk) by clicking Browse and specifying any convenient location. It doesn't matter where exactly.
In the future, backups can be deleted after you have checked whether everything is okay with the game, whether it launches, and whether the fixed content causes any issues. If any file was damaged, you can always use the backup.
Step №3: Then press the Run button and wait. The more additional content you have, the longer the program will take to process it. After the fixing is completed, a window will appear showing which additional content has been Fixed and which hasn't (No Fix Needed).
Solution №3: Wicked Whims undressing settings
Click on the sim – wicked – settings – nudity settings – undressing settings – advanced settings – auto reset bathing outfits (screenshots below)
